"বিষণ্ণতা"(Sadness) by PRONAY PAL

 মোটর গাড়ি রাস্তা জুড়ে, শব্দ দূষণ ছড়াচ্ছে মনে; 

Cars rushing down the streets, spreading noise pollution in the mind;

বৃষ্টি না আসায় চাতক পাখির জল জমেছে চোখের কোণে।

The Jacobin Cuckoo, with parched eyes, waits for the rain that doesn't come. 

চারিদিকে চিৎকার, হাহাকার, বিষণ্ণ জীবন, যৌবন 

Surrounded by cries, clamour, and despair, a gloomy life, youth recalled.

ফিরে দেখা শৈশব, ধোঁয়াশার মতন।

Looking back at childhood, like a haze.

বীরত্বের বীর কাহিনী, বোকাবাক্সতে দেখি, শুনি 

Stories of heroism, I watch and hear on TV

কিন্তু বুঝতে পারি না।
but fail to grasp.

মেকি মায়ার জাল বুনেছে সমাজ, সেই জালে জড়িয়েছি তুমি আর আমি, বন্দি দশায় মন।

Society weaves a web of deceit, ensnaring you and me, trapping the mind

এই আছি, এই নেই, জেগে আছি সারাক্ষণ।

Here one moment, gone the next, awake, endlessly aware.

নিভৃতে বনবাস, করছে সমাজ, চেঁচিয়ে চলেছে ছেলেটা, 

In silent,society exiles, a boy keeps shouting loud, 

আর মা করছে আর্তনাদ। 

while his mother cries in pain.

বিষণ্ণ এই জীবন-যৌবন, ফিরে দেখা শৈশব, ধোঁয়াশার মতন।

This melancholy life and youth, looking back at childhood, feels like a haze.

নামছে পৃথিবী তে অন্ধকার, আর জমছে মনে বুক জ্বালানো নীরবতা।

Darkness descends upon the earth,silent anguish persists.
সঙ্গী হলো কালি ফুরোনো পেন আর একটুকরো ছেঁড়া পাতা।

Companions are an inkless pen and a torn piece of paper,
এই ভাবে পৃথিবীতে নামবে অন্ধকার, আর শেষ হবে তোমার আমার গল্প।

Thus, darkness falls upon the world, And our story reaches its end.

An anlysis of the poem"বিষণ্ণতা"(The Sadness).

The poem "বিষণ্ণতা (Sadness)" poetically explores the complexities of modern existence. It captures the melancholy and noise of modern human lives, contrasting with wistful memories of childhood. The poem touches on themes of environmental degradation, societal disillusionment, and existential sorrow, using vivid imagery. It weaves a vivid tapestry of urban life's chaos and the emotional turmoil that accompanies it.

Themes and Imagery:

1.     Urban Chaos/ Modern discontent:

·       The opening lines depict the incessant noise of motor vehicles, symbolizing the relentless pace of urban life.

·   The imagery of the Jacobin Cuckoo bird with perched eyes longing for rain with highlights the yearning for relief amidst the chaos and heat signifies unfulfilled desires and the emotional toll of this chaotic environment.

2.     Societal Disillusionment:

·    The poem reflects on how modern society spins a web of artificial charm, entrapping individuals in a cycle of superficiality.

·   The reference to heroic tales on the screen that lack true meaning underscores the disconnect between real life and portrayed ideals.

3.      Nostalgia and Lost Innocence:

·    Memories of childhood are depicted as hazy, mist-like recollections, suggesting a longing for innocence and simplicity.

·   The poem contrasts these memories with the current state of life, marked by sorrow and confusion. Underscoring the contrast between the innocence of youth and the complexities of adult life.

4.     Constant Vigilance:

·   The lines "Here one moment, gone the next, awake, endlessly aware" emphasize the relentless pressure and instability of contemporary life, where peace and stability are fleeting.

5.     Silent Suffering/ isolation:

·   The poem portrays silent suffering/isolation through the imagery of "silent exile" and a crying mother, highlighting the often-unseen emotional struggles individuals’ face.

6.     Emotional Turmoil and Isolation:

·    The motif of exile and isolation is evident as society withdraws into silence, leaving individuals to grapple with their inner struggles.

·     The recurring image of darkness descending represents a profound sense of despair and the inevitability of life's end.

7.     Darkness and Endings:

·   The poem concludes with "Darkness descends upon the earth," creating a strong visual image of the world being enveloped in darkness. This sets a somber and foreboding mood.

·  "Silence burning deep in the chest" combines the sensory experiences of silence and burning, suggesting an intense, painful silence that is felt deeply within.

·   The "drained pen" and "torn piece of a paper" symbolize exhaustion and the end of creativity or communication. The pen being drained indicates that it can no longer write, and the torn paper suggests damage and incompleteness.

·    These objects as "companions" imply a sense of loneliness and isolation, as the speaker only has a pen with no ink and a torn piece of a paper for company.

·   "And our story reaches its end" signifies the finality of the situation. The use of "our" implies a shared experience, possibly referencing a collective or relational end, finality.


The poem," বিষণ্ণতা (Sadness)"   is a poignant poem that delves into the chaotic and disillusioning aspects of modern life. It captures the essence of modern discontent, where the relentless noise and superficial charm of contemporary society veil deeper existential struggles. The poem evokes a profound sense of nostalgia for the simplicity of childhood, contrasting it with the chaotic and often disheartening reality of adult life.  It uses vivid imagery to portray themes of environmental degradation, societal entrapment, and existential sorrow, ultimately concluding with a sense of inevitable darkness and the end of personal stories. Ultimately, it calls for a reflection on the transient nature of life and the enduring quest for inner peace amidst the surrounding darkness.

In summary, this poem paints a vivid picture of a bleak, silent world where creativity and communication have ceased, leading to an inevitable end. The imagery and symbols work together to create a strong emotional impact, highlighting feelings of despair and finality.

Inspiration Note:

The inspiration for thepoem "বিষণ্ণতা(Sadness)" ,comes from T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land." Much like Eliot's exploration of post-war disillusionment and the fragmentation of modern society, this poem delves into the environmental and emotional decay of contemporary urban life. Eliot's profound reflection on the human condition and the search for meaning in a desolate world deeply influenced the themes and imagery in this poem.


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