আমি বিদ্রোহী নই, তবু অন্তরে গর্জে উঠি।
I am not a rebel, yet my heart roars within.
লেবু চিপে ভাত দিয়ে খাই, সকালবেলায় ব্যাগটা নিয়ে অফিসে ছুটি।
I squeeze lemons over rice and leave for work in the morning.
দেয়ালে টাঙানো পাড়ার মোড়ে খবরের কাগজ পড়ে শুরু করি দিন।
At the corner of the lane, reading the newspaper, I start my day anew.
আমি বিদ্রোহী নই, তবু অন্তরে গর্জে উঠি।
I am not a rebel, yet my heart roars within.
আমি বুদ্ধিজীবী নই, তবু চায়ের দোকানে বুদ্ধি খাটাই, জুরি তর্ক।
I am no intellectual, yet at the tea stall, I engage in debates, sparking arguments.
এমনই সব দিনে চারা পোনা দিয়ে ভাত খাই, রবিবারে মাংস।
On most days, I eat rice with small fish, And on Sundays, meat.
আমি বিদ্রোহী নই, তবু অন্তরে গর্জে উঠি।
I am not a rebel, yet my heart roars within.
আলু পেঁয়াজের দাম দর করি, মোটা চালের খাই ভাত ।
I haggle over the price of potatoes and onions,Eat coarse rice.
বিষণ্ণতায় কাটে আমার দিন রাত।
Spend days and nights in melancholy.
আমি বিদ্রোহী নই, তবু অন্তরে গর্জে উঠি।
I am not a rebel, yet my heart roars within.
আমার নড়বরে গজা সাইকেলটাকে, স্টেশনের ধারে ৫ টাকা দিয়ে রাখি।
My rickety bicycle, I park by the station for five rupees.
মাসিক ফেল টিকিটাকে চোখ বুলিয়ে, পকেটে পুরে রাখি।
Monthly failed train pass in hand, I tuck it into my pocket with a glance.
আমি বিদ্রোহী নই, তবু অন্তরে গর্জে উঠি।
I am not a rebel, yet my heart roars within.
আমার শীত, গ্রীষ্ম, বসন্ত সব সমান, কারন অফিসের বড় বাবুর রাগ করা সব ঋতুতে সমান।
Winter, summer, spring, all feel the same, For my boss's anger remains constant in every season.
২ পয়সার কেরানি আমি, শুধুই জোটে অপমান।
I am a two-paisa clerk, enduring endless insults.
আমি বিদ্রোহী নই, তবু অন্তরে গর্জে উঠি।
I am not a rebel, yet my heart roars within.
Quiet Resilience: An Analysis of "অন্তরের বিদ্রোহ"(REBELLION WITHIN).
The poem "অন্তরের
(Rebellion Within) conveys the inner turmoil and quiet resistance of an
ordinary person living a seemingly mundane life. Through vivid imagery and
relatable experiences, the poem captures the essence of daily struggles and the
internal strength required to endure them. Here's a critical analysis:
👉Daily Struggles and Routine: The poem begins by describing the speaker's morning routine—squeezing lemons
over rice and heading to work. This simple act symbolizes the repetitive and
monotonous nature of their daily life.
👉Seeking Solace in Small Pleasures:
Reading the newspaper at the corner of the lane represents a brief escape from
the routine, a moment of personal solace and connection to the world.
👉Intellectual Engagement and Social
The speaker engages in debates at the
tea stall, indicating a desire for intellectual stimulation and social
interaction, despite not being an intellectual by profession. This shows the
need for mental engagement and a sense of community.
👉Economic Struggles and Melancholy:
Haggling over the price of basic necessities like potatoes and onions
highlights the economic challenges faced by the speaker. Eating coarse rice and
experiencing melancholy reflects the hardships and emotional toll of their
daily existence.
👉Endurance and Quiet Resistance:
The speaker's rickety bicycle, parked by the station for a small fee,
symbolizes their perseverance and adaptability. The monthly failed train pass
tucked into the pocket represents their routine and adherence to societal
👉Constant Pressure and Injustice:
The boss's consistent anger, regardless of the season, symbolizes the
unchanging nature of authority and the relentless pressure faced by the
speaker. The reference to being a "two-paisa clerk" signifies their
low status and the indignities endured in their job.
👉 Inner Rebellion:
Despite these external struggles, the repeated refrain "I am not a rebel,
yet my heart roars within" underscores a quiet, inner rebellion. It
suggests a strong sense of self-worth and an unspoken defiance against the
oppressive circumstances.
summary, the poem portrays the resilience and inner strength of an ordinary
individual navigating the challenges of daily life. It captures the universal
themes of struggle, endurance, and the silent rebellion that exists within each
of us as we face life's adversities. The poem resonates with anyone who has
felt the weight of routine, economic hardship, and the desire for something
more, yet continues to press on with quiet determination.
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